Landscape Stewardship

The land is our most important partner in our community, and we have committed to extensive measures to preserve and to exist in harmony with the beauty of the natural environment. In fact, only 10% of the ranch’s 16,000 acres in Lake County are proposed to be developed. The surrounding acres will be preserved and protected through innovative sustainability measures.

Open Space

We place the highest value on the ecological significance of the open and contiguous habitat on the project site. As a result, we are implementing a site design that uses multiple measures to facilitate wildlife movement. For instance, 2,875 acres will be placed in long-term, dedicated preservation, and in addition over 400 acres have been protected as habitat corridors. Further, each residential lot has a maximum building envelope, limiting development to 1 to 1.5 acres, resulting in an average of 3.75 acres of additional functionally preserved open space.

Grazing of Livestock

There will be a combination of
foragers and grazers to create a
balance of vegetation management,
one of our primary tenets of
sustainable agriculture and fire
prevention. We will continue the
onsite historic practices of
alternating grazing pastures of
onsite herds.


Maintaining the natural life in our community isn’t just about site views and landscapes. The movement of wildlife is of utmost importance. The Guenoc Valley Project’s design establishes a low-density footprint and will feature large, designated, open-space areas to allow natural wildlife movement through the property. Resort and residential buildings will also use wildlife-friendly fencing guidelines to facilitate wildlife movement.

“Buildings are buildings, but nature is just fantastic.”

Adrian Zecha, Partner

Plants &
Native Landscape

Our residential landscape design will closely integrate with the existing landscape by prioritizing a local, native plant palette. This includes identifying, preserving and enhancing native plant communities that serve as important food sources and habitats for native birds, butterflies and wildlife. The Guenoc Valley Project also features an on-site native plant nursery, raising native and endemic plants that grow naturally in the Guenoc Valley, including wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and trees.

Oak Tree

The oak woodland habitat is a unique component of California’s natural heritage. Oak trees serve important ecological functions, including temperature moderation, reduction of soil erosion, and maintenance of water quality. Our plan preserves a significant portion of the oak woodland within the development area through residential development restriction and project design. Native oaks are preserved on site within the habitat corridor easements, open-space area and each lot, for a total of 1,650 acres of preservation.


  • & MORE

We are committed to building a flourishing community hub where the locals are the pulse and backbone. This project encompasses a robust agricultural offering, farmers markets, artisan shops, restaurants, a hotel and more. Your art, hard work and craftsmanship will offer the best local experience and service to visitors who join us. And we will ensure that the local community has the first access to these opportunities.

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